Note 10 for XML

Watch & Read:

Getting in a Jam with the Choose Example and Sort the Food!

Top XML has several great examples of XSL in action and XMLPitstop has some interesting examples

10 Lessons from a Web Developer

Example of calling multiple Templates using a single XML document

More XSL:

<xsl:attribute name="attributename" namespace="url"> adds an attribute to your output.

<xsl:comment> adds a comment to your output.

<xsl:apply-templates> apply a template to the XML file. The template can be internal, imported, and/or included.

<xsl:import href="URL"/> Brings in another stylesheet that takes a "back seat" or lower priority to original stylesheet.

<xsl:include href="URL"/> Brings in another stylesheet that has same priority as original sylesheet.



Sets the output type in the result tree to XML, HTML, TEXT

Quiz Coming Soon!! Sample Quiz

XLink: Bringing Documents Together (must use Firefox)

XML has its own version of combining documents called XLink.

XLink in Action

Another example of an XLink XML file

XML & Databases: Examples

Insert a complete XML file in a Field of a Database!

Use ADO or ODBC for insertion and deletion of XML into a Database!

SQL Commands embedded inside an XML file.

Example of a cool project using XML


Review the following:

Terms: Source Tree (Before Transformation) ------> Result Tree (After Transformation)

Terms you need to Lookup:

Review Food XSL Transformation


Read: Chap 4 & 5 Plus Study for quiz!!


Final Step:

Review in your mind everything we covered in class and remember to cover it again before you go to bed so your mind to process this information while you sleep.