Note 7 for XML

Watch & Read:

XML Notepad is for DTDs only. You have to use XMLSpy to validate your Schema.

Reverse Engineer this rss-schema. xsd

RSS Feeds use XML

We have two design styles. The Russian Doll (the one we worked on last week) and the Catalog design.
The catalog design breaks the schema into simple elements, attributes and complex elements. You bring in the simple elements and attributes by referencing them to the complex elements.

(XML.Com Schema References. Pay close attention to Splicing the document!)

XML Can call a namespace called HTML and create simple links Example

Review the following:

W3schools Schema

Easier XML Document and a little more complex

Terms you need to Lookup:


XML Can call a namespace called HTML and create simple links Example


You should be reading Chap 11

Create a Schema for each of your XML documents

Final Step:

Review in your mind everything we covered in class and remember to cover it again before you go to bed so your mind to process this information while you sleep.